Melbourne toplum bireylerimizden Ahmet Kurban’ın vefat ettiği duyuruldu.
Merhumun Cenaze namazı, 23 Haziran Perşembe günü (yarın) Öğlen namazına müteakip (12.30) Broadmeadows Camisinde kılınacağı ve ardından Fawkner mezarlığına defnedileceği kızı Hatice Kurban tarafından duyuruldu.
VEFAT – ZEKİ ÇABUK (1956 – 2022)
Sydney toplum bireylerimizden Zeki Çabuk’un 22 Haziran günü vefat ettiği Sevil Sweets firması tarafından duyuruldu.
Cenaze bilgileri: Auburn Gallipoli Camisinde 23 Haziran Perşembe günü öğlen namazına müteakip kılınacak.
Sevil Sweets tarafından yapılan taziye ve cenaze duyurusu
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
(Verily we belong to Allah, and truly to Him shall we return)
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Zeki Cabuk, a loving husband, father, grandfather and great brother and neighbour. For those that had the pleasure of meeting him know that he was a man with a golden heart. His memory will live on with all those that he touched with his kindness and generosity.
Whilst death is a sunnah of hayat, losing a loved one is always difficult. It may appear that nothing else matters now, but remembering those who have had an amazing impact on all those who met them is a way of honoring their passing. May Allah forgive his sins and grant him your mercy and enter him Jannatul Firdaws without trial.
May Allah SWT expiate his sins, make his grave a garden of paradise and grant him Jannatul firdaws. Please make dua for him as dua is the most powerful tool
May Allah give us patience during this difficult time and reunite us in Jannah. Ameen.
14/3/1956 – 22/06/2022
Jannazah prayer will be held at:
Auburn Gallipoli Mosque
Thursday 23/06/2022 after midday prayer, followed by burial at Rookwood cemetery.
Bu sabah değerli Zeki Çabuk vefat etdi. Cenazesi yarin Auburn camisinde öğle namazdan sonra.
Allah rahmet eylesin, mekanı cennet olsun. Kabri cennet bahçelerinden olmasını Allah nasib etsin.